Edupreneurs Contd.

Posted: Thursday, October 22, 2009 by MuddassirShah in Labels:

There was an article doing rounds in News Papers and News Channels alike recently.
It read something like this.

New Delhi, 22 Jul  2009
“The ministry of Human resource development (HRD) indicated it may be open, down the line, to the idea of Indian Institutes of Technology(IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management(IIMs) Opening campuses in foreign countries….”.

Finally looks like the government is warming up to the Idea of Education as a business. I am keeping my fingers crossed hoping that we will set a new trend and set benchmark of new improvised Indian Education Standards.

The debate of brain drain and quality education was stirred up again whenNRI Venkatraman Ramakrishnan was awarded Nobel Prize for his contributions to Chemistry. One worthwhile outcome of this debate was  people realised it was long time when an Indian from India bagged a Nobel prize for his work in India.

These recent string of events led me to write a continuation to my previous article on Edupreneurs

The Education scenario in India is fast changing and it is just a spark so far we have seen, there is loads to be accomplished and I hope this spark ignites a fire. And why not, We have world’s second largest population. This gives us the advantage of being both producers and consumers. If we have to lead the world, as is being predicted, then the first step to go ahead would be to revamp our education system and build the brand India over again.

Edupreneurship comes with its own set of challenges. The task at hand is not easy.The greatest predicament to an initiative in India is the “we-are-unreceptive-to-innovation” attitude of the people and it is time a high tide comes and this attitude is changed. More often than not the people working at grass root levels are met with scepticism and suspicion. For others, It has been a long toil.I quote a philanthropist who is trying to start and eduventure “There are many governmental clarifications needed to start up a new eduventure in India. Also the officials are not very co-operative. They have been giving me unneccessary headaches. At times, we feel like lets cut the crap and get back to our high paying salaries and lead a happy life. But its not the government officials we are here for, we want to make a difference in the education system”.With corrupt practices being followed from peon to the head officer, it is very difficult to keep going.

Nevertheless, we are witnessing a gathering storm, slowly gaining momentum. Conventional people with not-so-conventional  dreams  are making their moves and many others are planning to follow suit. It has been a long time since India witnessed a revolution in its Social systems and when history is being written in your presence , don’t you want a share of pie for yourself?


  1. Cipla says:

    Thought provoking Topic,Beautifully written.

    Please increase the font of your posting.. Need to starin my eyes to read it..

  1. Mr Shah,

    Your writing is very commendable. Apt for the current situation.


  1. @Cipla,
    I changed the entire look and feel of the blog. I hope it is more clear for reading now

  1. Jay says:

    Hi Mudd,

    I cannot agree further on the issue. You've provided a good insight into the problem. I'll take upon the onus of answering most of the concerns that you've raised. I'll write an article on my blog soon detailing my perspective. ETA - 1week

    I'm happy that I am doing my bit in helping the cause.

  1. Jay says:

    Yea.. Here is my opinion of the crisis -